You make connection possible
Together we support people in achieving far more than they ever thought possible.
Giving back by supporting local mental health is a valuable investment in the wellbeing of individuals and families that has long-term, positive results.
In a time where we are disconnected now more than ever. Utah ranks last in the nation for access to mental health services, and depression and anxiety have gone up 27% because of the pandemic.
Giving the gift of mental health and community is a gift that is sure to make lasting change in the life of an individual and improve the wellness of our community for generations to come.
Project Connection is always looking for monetary and in-kind donations. Monetary donations provide direct mental health services for unfunded and underfunded individuals and families, as well as support for our community programs and social prescribing resources.
100% of donations go to direct mental health services.
Your donation will provide mental health services to unfunded children, adults and families in need.
Your donation will go toward workers dedicated specifically to helping our clients find resources and connect to a tribe that will support them.
Your donation will provide education throughout our community to promote connection, build support and decrease the stigma of mental illness.
Project Connection is an approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. EIN 83-1948572. If you would like a donation receipt, please make sure your name and address are correct and we will mail a receipt to you upon status confirmation. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution.
Project Connection giving tiers
Want to give a gift that makes a difference for generations to come? Contact us for opportunities to sponsor a group or to support direct mental health services for someone in need.
$10,000 – sponsor a group of 8 participants for a whole year (i.e., women’s group, parenting group, CTI group). We will name the group after your organization.
$5,000 - sponsor a group of 8 participants for 6 months.
$1,000 - provide therapy for an unfunded individual for 12 sessions (12 weeks).
$500 - provide therapy for an unfunded individual for 6 sessions (6 weeks).
$500 - sponsor a respite group’s activities.
$150- provide three therapy session for a child in our school-based program.
$75 - provide individual or family session for a family in need.
$25- pay co-pay fees for an underfunded family or fund art and therapy supplies.
For customized donations, please contact Jennifer or Lennie: jennifer@projectconnection.co | lennieknowlton@projectconnection.co